10th International Workshop on Human Activity Sensing Corpus and its Application


The accepted papers in HASCA workshop are included in the proceedings on ACM DL.
(Proceedings link will be here)

Please do not show the zoom link as only the paid participants can join the workshop.
Presentation time:
HASCA oral presentation, 20 min (15-min talk + 5-min Q&A)

The program's timezone is UK.

13:00-13:10 Opening
13:10-14:30 Session 1 [20min x4]
  • Smart-Badge: A wearable badge with multi-modal sensors for kitchen activity recognition
    Mengxi Liu, Sungho Suh, Bo Zhou, DI Agnes Gruenerbl, Paul Lukowicz
  • Personal Identification Method using Active Acoustic Sensing applied to the Nose pad of Eyeglasses
    Kaito Isobe, Kazuya Murao
  • A Method for Identifying a Person Entering a Bathtub using a Water Pressure Sensor
    Naoki Kurata, Kazuya Murao
  • (virtual) FlexiBLE: A Toolkit for Free Living Wearable Development
    Blaine Rothrock, Alexander Curtiss, Juyang Bai, Josiah Hester
14:30-14:50 Break (20min)
14:50-16:10 Session 2 [20min x4]
  • (virtual) Feature relevance analysis to explain concept drift - a case study in human activity recognition
    Pekka Siirtola, Juha Röning
  • Hierarchical Feature Recovery for Robust Human Activity Recognition in Body Sensor Networks
    Nobuyuki Oishi, Paula Lago, Philip Birch, Daniel Roggen
  • Investigating domain-agnostic performance in activity recognition using accelerometer data
    Apinan Hasthanasombat, Abhirup Ghosh, Dimitris Spathis, Cecilia Mascolo
  • A Method for Estimating Distance Actually Swam using Wearable Accelerometer and Gyroscope
    Daisuke Watanabe, Kazuya Murao
16:10-16:30 Break (20min)
16:30-17:50 Session 3 [20min x4]
  • Preliminary Investigation on Wrist Temperature Control by Wearable Peltier Armband
    Koki Akiyama, Kazuya Murao
  • A Method for Estimating Temperature of Grasped Object using PPG Sensor
    Junya Hotta, Kazuya Murao
  • Design and Implementation of a Non-contact Thermometer that Records Body Temperature Individually using Forehead Wrinkle Image
    Koki Iguma, Kazuya Murao
  • (virtual) ActiviSee: Activity Transition Detection for Human Users through Wearable Sensor-augmented Glasses
    Mrittika Raychoudhury, Haoxiang Yu, James D Kiper
17:50-18:00 Closing


Session 1 [20min x4]

  • Smart-Badge: A wearable badge with multi-modal sensors for kitchen activity recognition

  • Personal Identification Method using Active Acoustic Sensing applied to the Nose pad of Eyeglasses

  • A Method for Identifying a Person Entering a Bathtub using a Water Pressure Sensor

  • (virtual) FlexiBLE: A Toolkit for Free Living Wearable Development

Break (20min)
Session 2 [20min x4]

  • (virtual) Feature relevance analysis to explain concept drift - a case study in human activity recognition

  • Hierarchical Feature Recovery for Robust Human Activity Recognition in Body Sensor Networks

  • Investigating domain-agnostic performance in activity recognition using accelerometer data

  • A Method for Estimating Distance Actually Swam using Wearable Accelerometer and Gyroscope

Break (20min)
Session 3 [20min x4]

  • Preliminary Investigation on Wrist Temperature Control by Wearable Peltier Armband

  • A Method for Estimating Temperature of Grasped Object using PPG Sensor

  • Design and Implementation of a Non-contact Thermometer that Records Body Temperature Individually using Forehead Wrinkle Image

  • (virtual) ActiviSee: Activity Transition Detection for Human Users through Wearable Sensor-augmented Glasses
